In Sri Lanka, as in many other countries, the term “good governance” has been subject to various interpretations and, at times, misuse. Here are some key takes on how the concept of good governance has been manipulated or misunderstood in Sri Lanka:
Political Expediency over Genuine Reform: In Sri Lanka, politicians and government officials have often invoked the rhetoric of “good governance” to gain public support or legitimacy, especially during election campaigns. However, in practice, meaningful reforms to improve transparency, accountability, and the rule of law have sometimes been lacking.
Selective Application: Good governance principles are often selectively applied, depending on political affiliations or interests. For instance, efforts to combat corruption or ensure independent oversight may target opposition figures while overlooking similar issues within the ruling party.
Weak Institutional Framework: Despite the rhetoric, Sri Lanka has faced challenges in establishing strong institutional mechanisms to uphold good governance principles consistently. Political interference, lack of independence in key institutions such as the judiciary and law enforcement agencies, and insufficient checks and balances undermine effective governance.
Lack of Civic Engagement and Awareness: A significant portion of the population may not fully understand the principles of good governance or their rights in holding authorities accountable. This lack of awareness makes it easier for those in power to manipulate the discourse around governance without facing significant public scrutiny.
Ethnic and Political Divisions: Sri Lanka’s complex ethnic and political landscape has also influenced perceptions of good governance. Political polarization along ethnic lines, coupled with historical grievances, has sometimes led to the prioritization of narrow interests over broader principles of inclusivity and justice.
International Pressure and Aid Conditionality: Sri Lanka’s engagement with the international community, particularly regarding human rights and governance issues, has often been fraught with tensions. While international pressure can sometimes encourage positive reforms, it can also be perceived as external interference, leading to backlash and resistance from domestic actors.
Advocates of Geo-political Actors: The persistent narrative revolves around the disruptive influence of geo-political dynamics on our peace, stability, and economic progress. It is disheartening to acknowledge that these geo-political actors with covert motives consistently prevent our nation from experiencing tranquility. Ordinary citizens, much like ourselves, simply desire peace and stability in our daily lives. However, these agendas are imposed upon us by self-proclaimed political powerhouses who advocate for the path of good governance, both within our borders and on the global stage. Article reference: Sri Lanka’s 76th Independence Day – Sri Lanka’s Struggle for Stability Navigating Geo-Political Turmoil
In conclusion, while the concept of good governance holds significant potential for promoting democracy, development, and social justice in Sri Lanka, its effective implementation requires genuine political will, institutional strengthening, public awareness, and a commitment to inclusivity and accountability across all levels of society.